
“Once you record, your ear shifts tremendously”

“Just as looking through a camera you see the world differently, when you begin to record you hear the world differently.”
- Hildegard Westerkamp 


The world we inhabit is abound with sound, from the ghostly rustling of leaves in the wind, to the mechanical throb of a passing car’s engine, to the high pitch staccato hum of the cicada. The sonic life-world is rich with timbres & textures waiting to be apprehended by the willing ear.
The proposed project draws on the notion that the listening experience, and by extension the experience of the sound environment is de-emphasized in our current cultural-context, playing second fiddle to vision as our dominant mode of sensory engagement with the world
This bias limits our ability to experience and understand many of the subtleties and nuances of the world we inhabit, reducing our ability to engage and apprehend the world to certain specific sensory channels, and by extension to the certain layers of ontological strata, to which these sensory modalities allow access. Cultivating listening as a means of engagement with the world, and the greater appreciation and understanding of the sonic life-world that such listening facilitates has a range of positive implications both subjectivity and socially.
The development of a regional sound-map platform is an effort towards these ends. 

"soundmap is a form of locative media that links a place and its sonic representations. It is an example of the personalized map content described alternately as web mapping and neogeography. Soundmaps convey the soundscape of a place, often by organizing multiple soundmarks or "community sound[s] which is unique, or possesses qualities which make it specially regarded or noticed by the people in that community" in a web-based map." - wikipedia


This blog is essentially a record of the - research and development - process undertaken towards these ends. As this is a Masters project within a academic context, the primary purpose of this blog is as a reference point for my supervisors etc, and as a mean to organize my various strains of research etc. Ideally though, one would hope it may serve as a useful resource to others interested in this particularly area of inquiry. 


Initially this blog will deal with my inquiry and critique into the existing sound map design model, where after I will look at various ways of extending it drawing from related associated practices within the broader discourse of acoustic ecology & environmentally orientated sonic-arts. Where after various design experiments will be carried out and documented, before developing a prototype soundmap platform for a initial group of tests users to engage. 

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